People assume that after a loved one dies, they have gone forever. It can be a wonderful surprise and relief when they receive contact beyond the grave.
Angela Dunlop is helping to transform people’s ideas of life after death. Angela has communicated with thousands of people who have passed over, delivering messages of comfort to the loved ones they have left behind. Her insight and connection to the Spirit World proves beyond doubt that the soul continues beyond death.
This extraordinary book tells remarkable stories from normal people who have proof of contact from loved ones passed. This is a book to help restore your faith.
Learn to Meditate and Connect with your Soul
There are great benefits of empowering yourself through meditation. Life is forever changing, external circumstances can be challenging at times, getting in touch with your soul is the only true and lasting source of happiness. Going within means no longer a need to depend on outer conditions to fulfil you. People and material possessions can add to your life, they come and go, but a Spiritual power will sustain you. As you feel this power of love and healing flow through you, you will be nourished by its love. To feel at home. To be at peace. To feel connected to all of life. This meditation has been created for you to let go of concerns, worries and fully refresh you as connect with your Spirit within’